Achieving sustainable development, town centre revitalisation and meeting housing demand often requires building at medium to high densities. However, this type of development can create tension, with risks of overlooking to neighbouring homes or tall and bulky forms within historic settings. This Online Masterclass will explore the key principles to delivering well-designed, higher density neighbourhoods that respond appropriately to context. It will feature presentations and case studies from practitioners who have delivered successful, higher density developments.
- Understand the potential role of higher density development in towns and neighbourhoods
- Explore principles for successful higher density development
- Recognise best practice examples of sensitive, high density developments
Delivered by:
Robert Sakula, Founder Partner, Ash Sakula Architects
Claire Bennie, Founder, Municipal
Oliver Davey, Co-Founder + Principal Design Engineer, Urban Movement
Ross O’Ceallaigh, Programme Manager, Design South East
Key details:
Date: Tuesday 15 March 2022
Time: 9.30 – 11:30
Format: Online via Zoom
Booking details:
Kent Design member organisations:
This event is included in your membership package. Ask us for a members booking code or check with your Key Contact prior to booking online.
Book online here.
Non-Kent Design members:
There are a limited number of places available to non-members. The cost of individual places is £65.00+Vat per person, per place. Book online here.