Design South East has been appointed to set up and manage a Canterbury Design Review Panel to provide an independent design evaluation service for development proposals within Canterbury and across the wider district.
We really appreciate this recognition of our design review expertise that will support Canterbury City Council to deliver well designed places.
With a brand new Development and Engagement Team set up within the council to focus on the new national planning agenda – including design codes, heritage and early engagement of those affected by the planning process – we are looking forward to working collaboratively with the council and its stakeholders to ensure the value of the panel’s expertise and innovative thinking is used to maximise its beneficial impact for residents and businesses.
Karen Britton, Canterbury City Council’s Planning Manager (Development and Engagement): said: “The Canterbury Design Review Panel will support us to ensure we help to create great places for people in our district to live, to accelerate our journey to net zero by 2030 and to embed community engagement from the outset.”
The multi-disciplinary panel comprises wide-ranging expertise and skills in the built environment:
Panel chairs:
Gillian Horn
Barry Shaw
Panel members:
Cany Ash
Maayan Ashkenazi
Georgina Bignold
Philip Cave
Chris Churchman
Una Daly
Kathryn Davies
Annemarie de Boom
Barny Evans
Sophie Goldhill
Oliver Goodhall
Paula Hirst
Soraya Khan
Nick Lee Evans
Jonathan McDowell
Martin Stockley
Neha Tayal
Sam Willis
Andrej Znak
Panel manager
Helen Goodwin
Image credit: pixaby