DSE is seeking new members for its Expert Panel. Panel members sit on our design review panels and also help us with design workshops, design advice and training.
Our panel consists of leading practitioners in all the built environment disciplines: architects, landscape architects, urban designers, engineers, transport planners, sustainability experts. We have a mix of highly experienced professionals and emerging talent.
There are over 80 members on our main panel and another 50 on our local panels. The Chair of our main panel is Bob Allies of Allies and Morrison.
Every three years we refresh the panel to reflect changes in the mix of our work, recruiting new members and asking some existing ones to stand down. On this occasion we have some specific objectives:
- To strengthen our skills set in several areas. We welcome applications from built environment professionals in all disciplines but we are particularly keen to hear from you if you have expertise in:
- Landscape architecture
- Engineering
- Highways, streets and public realm design
- Transport planning
- Sustainable urban drainage
- Lower-density suburban housing
- Viability/development economics
- To increase the involvement of our panel in our full range of services, particularly design workshops and charrettes.
- To increase the diversity of our panels to reflect, as much as possible, the communities we work in.
- To increase the number of younger people – future built environment leaders – on our panel.
- To significantly increase the percentage of female panel members.
- To develop a panel structure that enables us to offer a more tailored service to the various types of project we advise on. In particular, we want to develop a panel with the specific skills to work with housebuilders and to provide advice on housing schemes.
We pay panel members an honorarium for attending design reviews, design advice meetings and workshops and for helping us deliver training.
For more information, a recruitment pack and details of the open evening please email: info@designsoutheast.org
The deadline for applications is 17.00 Monday 17th July
Note that DSE is also currently seeking new members for its Board of Directors. That is a separate recruitment. We have a rule that our panel members cannot also sit on our Board. You are welcome to apply for both positions but you will only be appointed to one.