Design South East is seeking additional expert panel members to reinforce our expertise in specific areas. Members of our expert panel sit on our design review panels as well as helping us with surgeries, workshops, charrettes and training. An honorarium and expenses are paid for most activity.
We are particularly looking for experience and expertise in:
- Landscape Architecture (particularly including sustainable drainage),
- Sustainably technologies for energy and water efficiency in both higher and lower density developments,
- Urban design, transport planning and planning consultancy, in the context of large scale, low density schemes (experience of working with volume housebuilders would be particularly valuable),
- Conservation architecture and heritage townscapes.
Please do not apply if you do not have experience and expertise in these areas.
A recruitment pack can be downloaded here:
DSE panel recruitment pack winter 18-19.
If having read the pack you have further questions please contact David Tittle, Head of Design Advice;
As this recruitment is taking place over the holiday period, if you would like to discuss this opportunity on the telephone, please send David an email and indicate when you would like to be called back.
The deadline is 12.00 noon on Monday 14th January.