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Brighton & Hove DesignPLACE Panel

Design South East – Brighton & Hove DesignPLACE Panel
Design South East – Brighton & Hove DesignPLACE Panel

Brighton & Hove City Council is facing a major challenge to accommodate growth without compromising the city’s unique quality and character.

To help the city address this challenge, we deliver independent design reviews for the council as part of the pre-application process.

The service is available on all pre-application submissions for all schemes in the city. Clear, consistent advice is delivered by a diverse, multidisciplinary expert panel recruited through an open, transparent process.

DesignPLACE Design Review Guide

Panel chair:

Panel members:

Panel Manager

For more information and to discuss how we can help

If you require further information or would like to book a design review, please email or speak with your case officer at Brighton & Hove City Council.