Aaron is a dual-qualified town planner and landscape architect with over 15-years of experience in heritage-led regeneration, community engagement and landscape design. He has worked with David Lock Associates since 2022, but was previously the Executive Director of Projects at the Prince’s Foundation where he worked since 2012. Currently he is working on an area-based design code with Gedling Borough Council and is undertaking a number of masterplanning projects with Homes England.
At the Prince’s Foundation, he worked on a number of strategic schemes, including Sherford in Dorset, Barton’s Quarter in Nottingham and smaller scale regeneration schemes such as Ashton Court in Bristol. Adam holds a degree in Town Planning from the London School of Economics (2011), has two undergraduate degrees in Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning from the University of Florida (2007), and in 2005 studied under Jaime Lerner at the Universidad do Parana in Curitba, Brazil.
Aaron has been an Academician with the Academy of Urbanism since 2011, is an Associate Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute and is a LEED Accredited Professional with the USGBC. In addition, he is a Non-Executive Board Member with Capel Manor College advising on design issues across the estate, is an expert panel member with Design South East and volunteers his time locally on a number of public realm projects with the Highgate Neighbourhood Forum.