Our design review service is delivered directly by Design South East or, in those areas where we are retained by a local authority, through one of our design panels. For smaller projects we provide affordable, accessible advice through surgeries or established frameworks like Building for a Healthy Life. Pricing for our review services is transparent and based on a fixed price structure. We also provide design support to property, planning policy and development management teams.
For more information or to discuss a project, get in touch here.
Design review
Delivered through half and full day sessions, our panel meetings provide advice on major schemes throughout design development and the planning process. Independent and expert, our panel members deliver constructive advice and guidance that fosters dialogue and collaboration between applicant and authority.
Local panels
Delivering independent design advice informed by a depth of understanding of local context, local panels also provide a wealth of expertise to be deployed across a local authority. We work closely and collaboratively with our local authority clients, developing panels that respond to context, help deliver long term objectives, augment design capacity and provide consistency for applicants. We recruit high quality, multi-disciplinary, diverse and gender balanced panels. Once established, the panel is supported by a dedicated Design South East panel manager and our operations team who ensure consistency of delivery.
Kingston-upon-Thames; 2017-present
Berkshire’s unitary authorities; 2012-present
Ashford Borough Council; 2011-present
Guildford Borough Council; 2015-present
Woking Tall Buildings Panel; 2018-present
Surgeries are half or full day sessions held in a local authority’s office that enable case officers to obtain in-house design advice on smaller schemes. Scheduled in advance, surgeries provide a cost effective source of advice, which is provided by one of our design advisors alongside an expert panel member.