Andrew is an Operating and Trustee Board Director and MD of fabrik Employee Ownership Trust. He has been in the landscape profession for over 30 years and brings this depth of experience to the panel. Andrew’s career includes experience in consultancies (Clouston’s and then RPS), at a local authority, Arun District Council, within a design and build practice, at Berkeley Homes and for the last 19 years directing the growth of fabrik.
Andrew is passionate about the industry. In particular how the built environment professions are able to strive to ensure that, in all settings, at all scales, our landscape and heritage are positively responded to through delivery of high quality, appropriately functioning and inherently sustainable schemes and places.
Within fabrik, along side the Trust and Operating Boards, Andrew leads the progression of the EOT’s design review process. Outside the practice Andrew sits on both the Design South East Panel and the South Downs National Park Design Review Panel.
As an expert witness at Planning Inquiries Andrew is involved with a number of influential teams and individuals who are seeking the progression of the National Planning Policy Framework and its ability to both direct the design of well designed places but also their ensuing delivery. Though influencing national policy these positive aspirations will be breathed out and influence all schemes, not just those delivered by the individual practices.