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Dan Daley

Dan brings a diverse set of experiences to building and urban design having worked across multiple scales of development in the private and public sectors. He entered this work with a degree from the Development Planning Unit at UCL, a global course concerned with the impacts of urban growth and the role communities have in shaping fair and equitable outcomes. Following the course, he entered the third sector supporting a mix of UK and continental European urban regeneration projects before joining JTP architects as a community planner. Here he led communications and organised public engagement on large scale housing-led masterplanning with sites across England. He later entered local government joining Ashford Borough Council’s spatial planning team through the Public Practice associate programme.

At Ashford he led community and partner engagement in a vision and strategy for the South of Ashford Garden Community. This work continued into the delivery of projects which offered a mix of early community and environmental benefits whilst working on the design of housing and key infrastructure.

Dan is now part of C40 Cities Clean Construction team and is leading a pilot with the cities of London, Madrid and Oslo to champion a just transition for workers in the construction sector and to model the socio-economic benefits of a decarbonised built environment.