Runnymede Design Code Consultancy Support

Design South East, in partnership with BPTW’s Urban Design team, has been awarded a contract to deliver design code support to Runnymede Borough Council following a competitive tender process.

Building on the tailored support we have provided to other local authorities across the South East region embarking on the design coding process, our team will co-deliver the baseline analysis that will create a strong foundation for the design coding vision for Runnymede. We will be supporting a transfer of design skills to council officers for the long-term benefit of Runnymede’s Planning Department through a series of internal workshops and external stakeholder engagement events. Working alongside officers, we will enable cross-departmental collaboration to guide the translation of the existing Design SPD (adopted July 2021) into a comprehensive but more user-friendly Design Code for the borough in line with the National Model Design Code, to underpin the review of the Runnymede 2030 Local Plan.

We are excited to be collaborating with council officers in the role of expert, trainer and critical friend, to support the production of a council-led design code. We will be testing and peer reviewing the emerging code to ensure the proposed coded requirements and guidance are suitable for the Borough, are clear, practical and deliverable, and help to deliver high quality places that are contextually responsive.

If you would value some support with the production of an area-wide Design Code for your authority, please get in touch with Helen at