Entries are now open for the 2021 Housing Design Awards. Design South East continues to support the respected annual awards programme. With the criteria for good design forming an increasingly important part of the skill set for local planning authorities, the housing design awards are a great way of demonstrating fresh thinking and tackling issue from sustainable design to modern methods of construction, innovative tenures, and inclusive design.
We were delighted last year that Rochester Riverside, one of the schemes we have been supporting for over a decade, went on to be awarded the ‘Winner of Winners Award’, with DSE’s design review panel being praised for being ‘an integral part of the design development which led to the successful planning approval and construction of a development which is rooted in its surroundings and which sensitively extends the heart of Rochester to include its wonderful river frontage.”
Lyne, Runnymede and Alfold, Waverley, two schemes that we also reviewed won awards for the high-quality design of these rural village extensions in Surrey.
The Housing Design Awards remains the UK’s principal resource of new ideas for quality housing, with an impressive archive of successful developments which you can view at www.hdawards.org.
The deadline for entry is 26 February 2021 with an online judging process.